Saturday, January 19, 2008

oh say can i see

gabe is sportin' some new glasses and has taken great pride in asking everyone who hasn't seen them yet if they like his new glasses. we are thankful that he is excited to wear them and though he needs reminding to put them on in the morning, he tends to forget about them and they stay on the rest of the day. after his last eye surgery in october we were still noticing a decent amount of eye wandering and crossing going on and are hopeful that the glasses will help strengthen some of those muscles and not rush into another surgery.


Holly said...

So cute! He looks so grown-up.

Amy said...

I have been waiting and waiting to see these pics! Please tell Gabe that Auntie Amy thinks he looks SO handsome and sharp!!

mama becca said...

yay for glasses! Tell Gabe he looks so cool and smart.