Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bunkbeds, Food Critic, and Theology

Many have asked how Gabe & Mak have been doing with the transition to sharing a room and bunk beds- overall, it's been great.  They have been together for almost 2 months now and other than taking a much longer time going to sleep, they really seem to like being together.  Most nights we have to go in and fuss at them for talking too much, put on our best upset parent voice, and then leave their room to do silent fist bumps and secretly cheer at the sibling bond that is growing.  

They have also had to adjust to waking up together.  Gabe is an early riser and we have tried to encourage (mandate) that he not wake Makena up when he gets out of bed.  He apparently thought we meant just not talking to her because he came out the other day frustrated at his attempts to wake her up.
Gabe: Makena won't wake up!
Me: I don't want you to wake her up, she needs to sleep!  What were you doing?
Gabe: First I tried SPITTING on her.  And she didn't wake up.  Then I went DO-DO-DO-Do (speaking in a exaggerated silly voice with his fingers in his ears.)  And she still didn't wake up!

And if being a human alarm clock doesn't work out for him, I'm sure he'll be able to be a judge on Iron Chef America...
gabe: Why do I have to chew this bite for so long?
me: I know the meat is a little tough tonight, sorry it's cooked a little too long. (which I did)
gabe: And it was too spicy. (he was exactly right that I got carried away with the pepper seasoning)

And just when I thought my seminary education was never going to be useful...

Driving in the car to pick Gabe up from school, Makena asks me if Jesus can come over to her house to play.  I began a lame effort to explain that Jesus can't come to our house like her friend Jenna, but that He is always with us and that we can always talk to him; she interrupted me by shouting: HI JESUS!  HI JESUS CAN YOU HEAR ME?  
After laughing, we shouted it together a few times.  Then she stopped and thought for a moment, and finally shouted, JESUS DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR TOENAILS PAINTED?

1 comment:

mama becca said...

We just set up bunk beds for leah and pete to share! yikes... i'm a little scared about having them sleep in the same room... may call you for tips. Love the Jesus comments- Leah asked me the other day "mommy, do bad things happen in this world?" and here's a good one: "mommy, how did I get in your belly?" Maybe I should tell her to call you about that one...
hope you all are well!