Thursday, May 15, 2008

All's Well that End's Well

Things that make the end of the week so sweet:

Pizza night!  Our weekend begins on Thursday night (Joe's day off is Friday, since Sunday is a workday), and we have enjoyed starting the weekend with family pizza night.  Some weeks we will each make our own Boboli, some weeks (especially at the end of the month when the money isn't flowing as freely) is a slice of Costco pizza, and then other Thursdays we will treat ourselves to pizza at "the grotto" (our favorite pizza joint).  not sure if tonight will be a costco or a grotto night, but either way I'm excited!
(update: you can see from the pics that the grotto won! our petite makena had THREE pieces! yum!)

A new fence!  I feel like a true adult and mature homeowner when I am almost moved to tears (I am genuinely not being melodramatic with that statement) with a new front fence.  The old chain link fence was hauled off yesterday and an amazing group at our church called the Carpenter's ministry arrived this morning and worked all day in 90-degree heat installing the new fence.  We will eventually paint it white, but for now I am so content and happy to have something that's a bit more inviting than the chain-link look.  

Preschool Chapel!  Even the worst of weeks would be turned around by going to Chapel time at preschool.  There is a something extra sweet about sitting with 3 & 4 year olds and listening to them sing to Jesus (and poke their friend next to them, and pick their noses, and clap to a rhythm all their own).

1 comment:

justin said...

"sitting with 3 & 4 year olds and listening to them sing to Jesus (and poke their friend next to them, and pick their noses, and clap to a rhythm all their own"

Sounds like a great new church I might plant one day!

And it's amazing to see Mak growing up and becoming the little lady of the home. But you'll have to help her with her make up skills -- I don't think "blue marker" is in this year. It might be a bit "hippie goth".