Monday, January 12, 2009

sugar and spice and everything nice

A quiz for the trivia (or trivial) minded:

In the past 24 hours Makena has:
a) bitten the head off of one of Joe's original Star Wars figures
b) dropped the water pitcher putting a nice gash in her ankle
c) ripped out the back screen door by "just walking through it just like this"
d) all of the above

here's a clue:

Despite the lack of photographic evidence, the correct answer is d) all of the above.  And in all of her sweetness, she assigned the family roles to play for The Little Mermaid.  
In the role of:
Ariel - Makena
Eric - Gabe
King Triton - Joe
Flounder - Ford
and surprise, surprise guess who she said I could be?????


mama becca said...

whoever said girls are easier... um... no.
this too shall pass :).

askewheels said...

Dude, I always get that role too.

*the Jones family* said...

oh wow - I needed a good laugh. thanks. I've been idealizing the "older" years (3 and up), but I guess each stage has its challenges. At least you've still got your sense of humor - more than I can say for myself lately!!