Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten!

Here we go! All 5 of us piled in the car in what felt like the wee hours of the morning (8:15 AM) and took Gabe to his first day of Kindergarten. He was SO excited, but still thinks that having to miss recess since his eyes are still healing is "STU-PID!". His eyes are healing well, but you can see from the pics that he squints them a lot, especially in the bright light.

Walking up to the new school - it looks HUGE! How can he be old enough to be going in that big scary building?!?

I have mostly accepted the changes that will happen with having a Kindergartener, but there are several things that will take a bit longer. I'm not sure I am ready to just drop him off at the door and pick him up 6 hours and 35 minutes later and not eat lunch with him (I really will miss this!). I especially am not ready for the lifestyle changes of keeping the minivan clean. A teacher will be opening my car door each afternoon and if I don't make some drastic changes they could make a realistic conclusion that we are homeless and living out of our car.

1 comment:

mama becca said...

i've decided to just not worry about what the teacher thinks about my car (gulp)... i mean the other two screaming kids in the back will clue her in, right??? i'm right there with you on all the mixed feelings... ack... love to all the farrells!