Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I am thankful Joe doesn't go out of town too often, but he is getting ready for a trip in the near future and I was debating whether or not to head to my parents to have some extra help while he is gone.  I know I haven't had all brain cells functioning for almost 5 years now because somehow in the past month I had forgotten about the events of a single day the last time he was gone.  

Here is the email I wrote Joe:

Hi love,

not a lot of energy right now, but just so you have a rundown of my day...

 9:45 at Dr. office w/ gabe - has a nasty ear infection which is why the cough/cold hasn't cleared up yet, now on antibiotics.  He also had to pee in a cup - first time peeing in a cup.  So off to the bathroom we went where he refused to go, he wouldn’t even go near the toilet… so back to the waiting room we go where the nurse gave him 2 juice boxes to drink.  He was unusually quiet, just sitting there drinking his juice when he looked up at me with a confused look on his face and asked why he has to drink all this juice and… “why does the doctor want me to drink my pee?”  He must have thought we all were nuts!  The first time peeing in a cup he thought he had to drink the cup!

11 – tried to open new bank account.  Basically waste of an hour, and waste of the 2 plastic piggy banks they tried to distract mak with while we were meeting.  She broke them in 10 minutes.

12 - took gabe to field trip at weather station with new class.  Fun time.

normal afternoon, thank goodness.

mom and dad had dinner @ USAFA so i was on my own for dinner/bedtime, not a big deal EXCEPT:

gabe told me this morning that he flushed a paper cup down the toilet because he "wanted to see what would happen", but it didn't clog until i used the potty tonight when my parents were gone.  kids were upstairs and the toilet was OVERFLOWING!  I yelled at gabe to come help and see exactly what happens when you flush a cup down the toilet.  He had to hold the bulb thing in the toilet while i went and found a plunger.  got it all fixed, good teamwork.

then at bedtime, mak said she needed to puke.  she was just being dramatic b/c gabe has been sleeping with me b/c he's sick and she wanted to sleep with me too and wanted to be sick.  soooo she went to the bathroom and sat by the potty while i tucked gabe in.  i went to check on her to find her dropping one-by-one paper towels in the toilet.  she made it through over half-a-roll.  did not like fishing those out, I have had enough of the toilet for one day.

and as if that wasn't enough......

you know that mak has had a difficult time staying in bed after tuck-ins, getting up an insane number of times.  WELL, she actually been rather quiet tonight and only came up a few times.  one time she came up with her Treeva hat on and asked if i could get the trolls out of her bed.  After I conquered all of the trolls I thought she was down for the night.  She was real quiet and I thought she had fallen asleep.  ooohhhh noooooo, she came up about an hour later looking like a greased little piggy.  She was covered head, hair, neck, and face in an almost entire tub of VASELINE!!!!!!  She told me that she wanted shiny hair just like Cinderella's.  I am not kidding.  I laid her on the kitchen counter and tried to wash it out in the sink, but even palmolive couldn't get out the vaseline.  she may have dreadlocks at her 3-year birthday party.   

i am exhausted, but laughing.  can't handle a whole lot more, but hanging in there

1 comment:

Mama to three said...

Anne - I'm a little bit scared of what could happen if we got our crews together, although I think it's necessary!! We had a EUCERINE "incident" a few years back. (THankfully, like you, I had the sense of humor to get the camera.
I hope this time goes better!