As I was cleaning up water balloon remnants from our front yard and feeling like an exhausted wreck, I was questioning the sanity of having any kind of party with a 2 week old in the house. Any doubt I was having was erased when I noticed Gabe thoughtfully sitting on the couch with his presents.
"Gabe, what are you thinking about?"
"Mom, (pause) I loved my birthday party"
He said this in such a tender way that I knew this was as close as he could get to "Mom, thanks for planning the most amazing, all-out, super fun birthday party that your sleep deprived mind could handle"
A few pics of the the superhero craziness...

Joe said the only thing he didn't want at the party was a pinata (maybe a unresolved childhood issue?), but he was a good sport about Gabe's insistence that ALL parties have a pinata.
The superheroes had a squirt gun, a mask, and a cape (lovingly made by Auntie Amy) waiting for them as they arrived.
The two things gabe wanted for his cake was that "my friend Luke" can eat my cake (an egg-free cake recipe solved this problem) and that the cake have toys on it.
The superheroes waited patiently as the dads filled up the water balloons.
Ready...Aim...Fire...the Superheroes took target practice at the giant spider web (this lasted just a moment before they discovered they could have more fun throwing them at each other!)
Luke, Gabe, and Jackson waiting their turn at the pinata.
CUTE. Happy birthday Gabe!
And yes, you're totally nuts for having a party with a 2-wk-old. But I'm sure it was totally worth it :).
love you all
will throw my birthday party this year?
You are an amazing mom!!
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