Sunday, March 30, 2008

what do church, wine, and walking have in common?

answer: the makings of a most perfect day...

It was a little bit of a crazy weekend since Joe had preaching responsiblities at church. for your own listening pleasure you can hear it here by clicking on the sermon link:

After grilled cheese sandwiches, a nap, and some basketball the kids helped Joe with his new hobby - wine making. or as Makena calls it "daddy's making dark "meer" (her word for anything that looks like wine or beer)

Then we ended the day with a hike up a nearby mountain (ok it's really a hill, but for a toddler it seems like the equivalent of everest)

A cool picture of the abundant wildflowers growing among the burned wood from last fall's wildfires that swept through our area.

And we finally made it!

1 comment:

mama becca said...

We will be visiting you someday. I hope :).