I replied, "What, 2 weeks - aren't we just supposed to come once a month?" He gave us both a funny look and said, "don't you realize you're about to have a baby? it's time I see you every two weeks."
Yes, of course, we know that we are about to have a baby that's why we've made so many preparations...baby registry - no, the third child just get's hand-me-downs...childbirth classes - nope, but we do have our book to review on the way to the hospital...monthly belly pictures and reflective journaling about this pregnancy - are you kidding me?...hospital tour - not yet, but i would like to know what door i'm supposed to go in prior to delivery...soooooo, let's see...maybe we really do need to wake up and realize our family will be expanding in the next couple months. and i was proud of myself for mostly remembering to take my 2 flinstone vitamins every day. so in an effort to document and prepare for this little one, i asked gabe to take a picture of me and baby pokey (the kids name for the baby, not the one that will be on the birth certificate)...
that's just enough postage to mail Makena to us!
Looking good! That's so funny that you didn't know you had hit the 2 week appt. mark. 10 weeks baby!
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