Monday, April 02, 2007

a week of firsts...

This has been such a fun week! Last Thursday we were so excited to get the news of a new cousin and couldn't wait to meet her! Baby Regan is our first new cousin on Joe's side of the family. So fun!

Gabe also loved his first concert this past friday and wiggled his way up to the very front row. It was all we could do to keep him from crawling up onto the stage. Our church brought in Jana Alyara who is a Singer/Songwriter for kids - and she was fantastic! We all had a ton of fun! I strongly recommend her for parents who are looking for fun worship music for kids.

And the week of firsts was rounded out with me getting my nose pierced. This was something I had admired on others for a while, but a little impulsive to do it to myself. My dear friend Jewel was down visiting and came along for moral support (but no new piercings for her). Kids hardly noticed a difference, Joe says he doesn't hate it and thinks it's just part of a 1/3-life-crisis (because we both hope this isn't a mid-life crisis!), and others I have seen around either don't notice or choose not to say anything. But I really like it and might keep it for a while.


Holly said...

OMG - I think you're the coolest mom EVer.

justin said... that thing real!?

justin said...

I heard Gabe was getting his nose pierced too...and that he wanted a tattoo, but you vetoed.