Friday, January 05, 2007

Now this is what I call winter!

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Gabe and I had a ball this afternoon playing in new fallen snow in mimi and papa's front yard. We had so much fun that Gabe wanted to stay outside "longer and longer" and this is despite him telling me, almost in the same breath, that his fingers were freezing and hurt.

Makena stayed inside where it is warm and cozy to practice her cruising-almost-walking-skills.


Holly said...

How fun! I'm jealous. We keep waiting for the snow that everyone says will come, but the 60 degree days are keeping the snow away! Have fun with your family. Happy New Year!

Macon said...

What? The Farrells have a blog? And I had to find out by reading a comment on Mary Juanita's blog?


But I'm so glad I found it!

Now I won't have to google-stalk you any more.

for a while, at least.